Update on VYJ’s My Community Cares Anchor Team Meetings

Benjamin Combs via Unsplash

Starting September 3, 2024, Volunteers for Youth Justice’s My Community Cares Anchor Team Meetings will be in person instead of being held virtually.

The Anchor Team is part of a 3-tier teaming structure which includes the Neighborhood Team and Parish Support Team. The Anchor Team includes local representatives from government, DCFS, courts, businesses, service and healthcare providers, emergency responders, churches, schools, nonprofits, community members, child welfare stakeholders, neighborhood residents, and individuals with lived experience in the child welfare system, from across the parish. The Anchor Team enhances coordination, collaboration, and communication between community members and agencies; identifies and addresses gaps and barriers to services and supports; and joins with neighborhood teams to build a network of accessible and appropriate services and supports for children and families.

Beginning September 3, 2024, and continuing the first Tuesday of every other month after that, Anchor Team meetings will be in person. Hope House Frontliners is allowing MCC time during the Frontliner Coalition meeting to update stakeholders on MCC’s work with families and the community. MCC wants to ensure you remain informed of our efforts; therefore, we are inviting you to join us and the Hope House Frontliners. Not only will you hear about MCC’s work, but this is an opportunity to network and learn about other providers in the community.

Please plan to join us on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, from 9 am to 10 am at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral at 908 Rutherford, Shreveport, La. 71101.
