TASC is a prevention program, providing early identification and assessment of school absences for children grades K-5. Through this program, children and families are given the opportunity to informally and voluntarily resolve chronic absenteeism without court involvement.

Schools refer to TASC Here
How Does TASC Work?
The TASC process begins with a written complaint submitted to the Volunteers for Youth Justice’s TASC office. This complaint is submitted by the concerned Elementary school alleging that a child is truant based on having unexcused absences.
Once a referral is made to TASC, an intense screening is completed. Once accepted a truancy conference date will be set with the family members and TASC Officer. At this time, an intake investigation will be performed.
The intake investigation consists of gathering information from several sources including school personnel, school records, and interviews with the child and caregivers.
The TASC Truancy Officers will make recommendations in an effort to prevent continued truancy and will closely monitor the progress of the family while helping to resolve issues leading to the child’s truancy.
Should informal, voluntary intervention by TASC prove ineffective, the family may be referred to Court for hearing before a judge. If a hearing should happen, each and every member of the family shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court.
What Are The Advantages?
There are several advantages to participating in TASC. Children and families have the opportunity to access services that are targeted to properly address the underlying causes of what research has shown to be the #1 primary indicator of juvenile delinquency: TRUANCY. TASC acts as a referral network linking families to valuable resources within the community that address areas of risks within the family. TASC gives children and families the opportunity to informally and voluntarily resolve legal misconduct without Court involvement.
The VYJ TASC K-5 Attendance Officers currently serve the following Caddo Parish Schools
Brittany Luke
Forest Hill
Southern Hills
South Highlands
Ronnie Brokenberry
Susan Conway
North Highlands
Shreve Island
Donnie Bickham
(TBRI) Ila Owens
Ila Owens
(TASC) Taylor Deselle
Taylor Deselle