The Harbor Tenants

 List of Tenants

Access and Opportunity Links

Access and Opportunity Links is implementing the Upskill Reading Program which will be administered by an Educational Diagnostician and Reading Specialist along with Skill Coaches. Students will receive direct instruction and continuous progress monitoring towards literacy advancement according to their Individualized Skill Plan (ISP). Will begin receiving clients August 9, 2023.

Room 158B

Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm. Friday – appt only

Phone: 318-725-2265

 Contact: Cynthia B Franklin |

Brighter Future Counseling Services

Community based counseling, family therapy: Functional Family Therapy, skill building-psychosocial rehabilitation, trauma focused psychotherapy, and medication management. Brighter Future is currently able to receive and serve clients.

Room 277

Hours: M-Th 9:00-6:00 F 9:00-1:00

Phone: 318-424-8735

 Contact: Deidre Benjamin |

 Contact: Yomeka Evans |

Insurance Accepted: Self-pay, Private Insurance, Medicaid (except LHCC)

Caddo Parish Schools – Security Department Division of Mental Health, Wellness, and Safe Schools

Caddo Parish Schools – Security Department: Division of Mental Health, Wellness, and Safe Schools conducts threat assessments related to suicide, homicide, and bullying.  Our division provides mandated trainings as well as other trainings to Caddo Parish Schools staff on topics related to positive behavior interventions and supports, multi-tiered systems of support, bullying prevention, drug prevention, suicide prevention, school climate and safety, data-based decision making, domestic terrorism, executive functioning, PREPaRE, Youth Mental Health First Aid, restorative practices and more.  Our division provides prevention programming throughout the district on myriad topics.

After hours you may leave a message at the number listed above and your call will be returned the following day.  If this is a mental health emergency, please contact the Emergency Room or Brentwood Hospital.

Room 224

Hours: M-F 8:00-4:30

Phone: 318-603-6484

 Contact: Dr. Barzanna White |

(CASA) Court Appointed Special Advocates

Supports and provides court appointed volunteer advocacy to abused and/or neglected child in need of care. All clients are in DCFS custody and assigned by the Judge.

Room 114

Hours: M-F 7:30-5:30

Phone: 318-585-2272

 Contact: Patricia Anderson-Alicea |

The Center for Children and Families

An initial assessment to determine each family’s strengths and challenges. Case management to identify specific services required. Intensive counseling sessions with Masters-level therapists for children and teens, parents, and the family unit within either FFT-CW or CPST programs. The Center is currently accepting new referrals.

Room 149

Hours: M-Th 8:30-4:30 Fri 8:30-12:30

Phone: 318-227-8390

 Contact: Katie O’Rear |

 Insurance Accepted: Medicaid (all plans)

Child Well-Being Department

In the Child Well-Being Department, we train and monitor Caddo Parish Schools in Trauma Informed Education, Climate & Culture, and Student Wellness.

Rooms 228 & 230

Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30

Phone: 318-364-1598 or 318-364-1599

 Contact: Kasie Mainiero – Child Well-Being Specialist |

 Contact: Shante’ Dukes – Trauma Informed Specialist |

Choices Coordinated Care Solutions

Wraparound care coordination for youth with mental illness and high-risk behaviors that could lead to school suspension, involvement with juvenile justice or child welfare. Choices CCS is open and ready to receive and serve clients.

Room 250

Hours: M-F 8:30-5:00

Phone: 318-221-1807

 Contact: Selma Young |

 Contact: David Sikes |

Insurance Accepted: Medicaid Only

FREE Coalition to End Human Trafficking in Northwest Louisiana

The FREE Coalition to End Human Trafficking in Northwest Louisiana is dedicated to ending human trafficking by offering free awareness, identification, and response training to any group in our area.  We also provide direct services and connections to services for victims and survivors of human trafficking.  We bring together any and all agencies that work in the field of human trafficking to collaborate on the needs of our community.

Room 272

Hours: By appointment

Phone: 318-458-1702

 Contact: Laurie McGehee |

Faith and Fostering

Safe housing for 18-24 year-old youth deemed homeless. Services provided include: safe housing, mentoring, case management, life skill training, and resources and referrals. Currently, Faith and Fostering is unable to serve additional young adults through housing due to capacity. If housing is not needed but mentoring and support services are desired to strengthen independence, Faith and Fostering is able to serve one young adult in the SEND Program.

Room 122

Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30

Phone: 318-422-2475

 Contact: Christi Robinson |

FINS (Families in Need of Services)

FINS provides programs for families on the verge of crisis due to the ungovernable behavior of a child. The primary goal of FINS is to secure appropriate services to remedy the underlying causes that lead to the family’s concerns.

Room 161

Hours: M-F 8:30am-4:30pm

Phone: 318-425-1883

 Contact: Jacob McCarty |

Food Bank of NWLA

Room 158A

Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30

Phone: 318-725-4267

 Contact: Cemone Louangamath |

Melanie Massey Physical Therapy

Physical therapy, occupational therapy coming in the future, speech therapy. Currently accepting clients for PT only.

Room 141

Hours: Monday & Thursday 8:00-12:00

Phone: 318-934-1969

 Contact: Daniel James, Ron Payne, Melanie Massey |

 Insurance Accepted: Self pay, Private Insurance Medicaid (LHCC, UHC, Aetna Better Health and Healthy Blue)

My Community Cares

Child abuse and neglect prevention by providing community support and individual family support through connecting families to resources. Open and ready to receive and serve clients.

Room 106

Hours: M-F 8:30am-4:30pm

Phone: 318-725-4267 Ext. 405

 Contact: Kreesha Bennett |

Project Celebration, Inc.

24/7 Crisis Intervention, Safety Planning, Emergency Shelter, Support Groups, Children’s Advocacy, Referrals to Counseling, Legal/ Court Advocacy, Medical/ Hospital Advocacy, In-office Counseling for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors, Community Prevention and Education.  Project Celebration is open and ready to receive and serve clients. Provided services are free of charge thanks to grantors and community donations.

Room 165

Hours: M-F 8:00am-4:00pm

Phone: 318-221-8003

 Contact: Janelle Brown, Outreach Manager |

 TASC (Truancy Assessment and Service Center)

TASC works directly with all of Caddo’s Elementary Schools to help eliminate barriers to good school attendance.  We meet with families to problem solve, build bridges between home and school, and to make connections to services and resources that can assist a family with getting their child’s attendance back on track.   We have a uniform and school supply closet that helps us provide those resources to a family in need. By referral only.

Room 129

Hours: M-Th 8:00-5:00 Fri 8:00-4:00 (closed month of July)

Phone: 318-929-8272

 Contact: Shannon Wyche |

Youth Empowerment Center

The Youth Empowerment Center serves as a turning point for youth who have been brought to The Harbor for minor offenses. Upon arrival, an intake officer will work with the child and their families to get services and resources in place to ensure everyone feels empowered and supported to guide the child through difficulties to emerge with a more hopeful future.

Room 161

Hours: M-F 8:00am-10:00pm Sat-Sun 2:00-10:00pm

Phone: 318-725-6782

 Contact: Jacob McCarty |

Youth Programs

Conflict Resolution Classes and Intervention Services for Middle and High School students in Caddo Parish Schools. By referral only.

Room 164

Hours: M-F 8:00-3:30 Fri (During Caddo Parish School Year)

Phone: 318-725-4267 ext.420

 Contact: Rose Johnson |
