MCC Parish Anchor Team Agreement


We welcome you to partner with My Community Cares (MCC) as we aim to strengthen family’s protective capacities to prevent child abuse and neglect in targeted communities (71107 and 71106). By teaming with MCC, you are agreeing to attend a Parish Team meeting every other month, as your availability permits. With your agreement as a team member, MCC can develop relationships, communication, and trust between the community members and agencies; build a network of accessible services and supports for children and families; and identify and address gaps and barriers to needed services in the community.

By completing the information below, you are agreeing to partner with MCC. At any time, you may withdraw your involvement with the MCC program.

MCC Parish Anchor Team Agreement



I will provide a point of contact within my organization who can share awareness of community-based events to the organization’s members.
Name (POC):
